As a significant contributor to health and wellbeing, community safety is an integral component of a liveable community and is factored into a number of key Council policies and strategies.

Council’s Community Safety Plan 2018-2024 outlines how Council can work together with the community to create a Safe, Healthy and Active community.

Council’s key safety and wellbeing priorities:

  • Alcohol and Other Drug  misuse
  • Child Safety
  • Elder Safety
  • Situational Safety
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Homelessness
  • Domestic and Family Violence

The Community Safety Plan adopts a whole of community approach, and encourages community members to become actively involved in the shared responsibility of the safety and welfare of our community.

How can you be involved?

There are many ways that you can play an active role in improving the safety and wellbeing of our community:

Make an active effort to connect with others in your community:

  • Be a Good Neighbour – Be a Safe Neighbour
    • Getting to know your neighbours will not only enhance your social connections, it can also mean that your neighbours are there to help when you need support.  Good neighbours take responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of their neighbours.

Council supports opportunities to foster a strong sense of community connectedness.  Good Neighbour/Community BBQ’s are facilitated by Council and Emergency Services, with support from Service Clubs and local community organisations.  They are a great opportunity for neighbours and communities to come together in a friendly and safe environment.

Join a community group - get Out and About!

Participate in safety and wellbeing forums, events and activities:

Council encourages our community to run activities, events and projects which have a safety and wellbeing focus.  Contact Council’s Community Safety Officer to find out how Council can support your initiative - You might even be eligible for a Community Grant to help towards the costs.

Find out about upcoming events, forums and activities (or promote your own) on our Calendar of Events.


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