Council Assessment Panel

The State Government has embarked on an extensive process to reform the planning system in South Australia.  The main component of the planning reform process is the introduction of the Planning, Development & Infrastructure Act 2016 ("PDI Act") which is set to replace the Development Act 1993 as the overarching legislation governing the planning system in this State.

The PDI Act will be introduced in stages over a 3-5 year period to enable an effective transition to the new system.  One of the initial parts of the Act which has been introduced is the reform of Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) currently operating at the local government level.

A majority of Development Assessment Panels previously consisted of four Independent Members and three Councillors/Elected Representatives.  DAPs were responsible for the assessment and determination of certain types of Development Applications which were normally complex or involved representors wishing to be heard.

The PDI Act, as of 1 October 2017, requires that all Development Assessment Panels be replaced with a different type of Panel.  The Rural City of Murray Bridge has chosen to establish a Council Assessment Panel (CAP).  The membership of the CAP will comprise four Independent Members and one Councillor/Elected Representative.

The following members have been appointed to the CAP:

Presiding Member: Mr David Altmann
Independent Member: Mr Tony Huppatz
Independent Member: Mr Myles Somers
Independent Member:Vacant
Councillor:Cr Tom Haig

The CAP will continue to assess and determine certain types of Development Applications pursuant to the delegations provided by Council.

Please Note: Members of the Panel are not to be contacted in relation to matters before the Panel, or matters which may be put before the Panel in the future.

All enquiries should be directed to the Assessment Manager - Ms Sally Roberts on (08) 8539 1100 or

Terms of Reference

Meeting Procedures

Review of Decision of Assessment Manager Policy

Application to Assessment Panel for Assessment Managers Decision Review

Assessment Panel Code of Conduct

Council Assessment Panel meetings are held at 10:00 am on the second Friday of each month, at the Local Government Centre, 2 Seventh Street, Murray Bridge. Members of the public are welcome to attend – Please note that due to COVID-19 meetings may be held electronically. Any person wishing to attend is encouraged to contact Council’s Development Team on 8539 1100 or to discuss the arrangements for their attendance.

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