The Rural City of Murray Bridge has adopted a range of Community Land Management Plans to ensure local community land is well cared for now and into the future.


Care, Control and Management

The Minister may, by written agreement, place Crown Land under the care, control and management of the Rural City of Murray Bridge.  Care, control and management means that Council can manage the land as it sees fit and in line with the Local Government Act 1999.

Community Land

Community Land is land that has been gazetted as land set aside for the use and enjoyment of the public to ensure that the assets are not sold or developed except in a manner which the Council thinks will benefit the community.

Crown Land

Crown Land is land that is owned by the Crown or land owned by, or under the control of the Minister.

Freehold Land

Freehold land is land that is owned in fee simply by the Rural City of Murray Bridge.

Customer Service

You may wish to have a printed copy of the map/s in colour or black and white.  Please enquire at Community Support at 2 Local Government Centre on Seventh Street Murray Bridge for the associated costs involved.

Council may, by way of resolution, declare community land to be surplus to its requirements.  You may register your interest in purchasing Council land by way of a written submission addressed to the Chief Executive Officer.  Your registration will be held for a period of one year.  Should the land not become available in that one year period you may resubmit your request.

If you have any enquiries or questions regarding any community land or community land management plans, please contact Council.


The information provided is current at the time of printing of the Register.  For current and up to date information please contact Council or the service/sporting club directly.  Contact information can be found with the Local Business and Community Guide.

Community Land Management Plans

Under the Local Government Act 1999 Council must prepare and adopt a management plan for its community land.  The plan should be consistent with the Council's Strategic Plan and include details as outlined with the Local Government Act.

As per the Local Government Act, these plans must be attached to the Community Land Register.

For more information select from the list provided below.

410 Gone

410 Gone
