Council Grants

The Rural City of Murray Bridge grants program offers a variety of  funding opportunities that support community organisations and individuals deliver a range of projects, programs, events and activities.

This is a fantastic opportunity for community groups to take advantage of the funds allocated by Council to support innovative projects, which contribute to the empowerment and development of the community.

The Rural City of Murray Bridge Grants Management Guidelines can be found here

Why don't you give it a try on behalf of your community group!

Download the grants application form here

Download the grants acquittal form here

Points To Remember:

Groups within the Rural City of Murray Bridge Council area must initiate the project/event which must take place within our Council area.

All applications are assessed on specific guidelines, which must be met for your funding to be successful.

Two rounds of $40,500 are offered each year. Applications close in March and September each year and are advertised in the Murray Valley Standard. The Events, Grants and Donations Committee meet soon after the closing of each round.

The applicant must contribute (or get others to contribute) at least the same amount as requested in cash or "in-kind" support.

Applicants must be incorporated, if not, a letter from a suitable incorporated organisation agreeing to receive funds on the applicant's behalf must be attached.

Each grant is capped at $5,000.

Applications for funding close on the 1st Friday in March and September each year.

This funding opportunity aims to provide training and educational opportunities for young people in Murray Bridge who may be at risk of becoming offenders. This fund was established to continue the community work of Zsolt Telkesi to give young people opportunities that they might not have been able to consider without the assistance of this grant fund.

$5,000 will be offered annually to eligible applicants meeting the criteria. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications prior to the community grant round closures on the first Friday in March and September.

The Rural City of Murray Bridge will provide funding for environmental projects as part of Council's Community Grants programs and associated event initiatives.

This is a fantastic opportunity for not-for-profit community groups within the Rural City of Murray Bridge to seek funding for environmental projects, events and initiatives such as minimising waste going to landfill, adaptation to climate change, water conservation and revegetation projects.

Council requires funding for projects and events to be in partnership.  This can be in the form of cash contributions, grants from other funding bodies or in kind support in the form of volunteer labour or materials.

Grants of up to $5,000 will be offered to eligible community groups subject to them meeting the criteria. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications prior to the community grant round closures on the first Friday in March and September.

The Riverfront (Sturt Reserve, Wharf and Farmers Union Reserves) are major Riverfront destination sites perfect for community events. Council encourages activation through greater use for events throughout the year.

This category is targeted specifically at Community Group Riverfront Activation Events.

Grants will be offered to eligible community groups subject to them meeting the criteria. Riverfront Activation Funding is open all year round however applicants are encouraged to submit their applications prior to the community grant round closures on the first Friday in March and September.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their application with a Council Grants Officer prior to submission.

For further information on the Sport and Recreation Facility Grants - click here

It is strongly advised that people speak to Team Leader Youth Sport and Recreation Kevin Heyndyk before they begin to fill in the application form to discuss the project eligibility for the Sport and Recreation facilities grant program, on 08 85391127 or

The objective of “Quick Wins” is to encourage community members and organisations to come forward with ideas for “wins” that are delivered by community and that can make a difference in quicker timeframes than more formal programs and strategies delivered by Council.

General all-purpose funding is available in between Community Grand Rounds for needs NOT fitting into other funding streams (including timing). Total of $35,000 per annum is available until expended.

Quick Win (individual)

Up to $500 is available to support individuals representing the Rural City of Murray Bridge who are either performing, competing or presenting at a state, national or international level or similar.

Please Note: A letter of evidence must be provided with your application from the organisation confirming and supporting the individual application submission.

Quick Win (group)

Up to $2,000 is available for community groups, teams or organisations that require access to funding (in between community grant rounds) for justifiable programs, projects, events or sporting assistance.

Council aims to process applications monthly (except January) and if successful will be transferred in the middle of the month (dependent on Accounts Payable).

This community driven “wins” category is targeted specifically at larger Community Projects, Events, Programs and Activities that demonstrate an economic/tourist benefit or meet with a specific community need within the Rural City of Murray Bridge.

Quick Win (major) funding is open all year round (until fully expended), however applicants are encouraged to submit their applications prior to the community grant round closures on the first Friday in March and September. This is likely to assist in delivering quicker turnaround times in decision responses for applicants.
Please note funding up to $65,000 per annum is offered annually and may be allocated to one worthy community project or many depending on the amount of funding required.  Therefore, advertising of funding in conjunction with the two rounds each year is not guaranteed.

Applicants must discuss their proposal with a Council Grants Officer prior to submission.

If you’re a successful applicant for a Quick Win (major) grant you immediately become ineligible for any other funding within 12 months from date of application and until acquitted.

Applications are only available directly from a Grants Officer upon request


Faith Box
Team Leader Community Development
PO Box 421

08 8539 1126
0417 839 930