Interactive Map Disclaimer

Public Maps    


Should you have any queries, please contact Council Customer Service on (08) 85391100 during business hours. Please note that the information contained within the interactive mapping is updated only on an adhoc basis, and therefore Council does not guarantee any accuracy of the data within. Should you require important information for decision making purposes. Council should be contacted directly.

Rural City of Murray Bridge Council Online Mapping Disclaimer

Please read and understand this disclaimer fully before proceeding to Council's Interactive Mapping. 

The use of this website is at the users own risk. The mapping information available on this site is provided in good faith to assist the user in evaluating land details within the Rural City of Murray Bridge Council local government area. The data has been produced by Rural City of Murray Bridge Council using information compiled from various sources.

The material published does not constitute legal or other form of advice upon which you can rely. Council gives no warranty, express or implied, guarantee or representation about the accuracy, completeness, currency, correctness, reliability or timeliness or otherwise of the information contained in the online mapping. Council will not be liable under any circumstances for any loss, damage or expense of any kind recognized by law, which are the consequence of using this website or acting or failing to act on any information contained or referred to within the online mapping.

People are advised to contact Rural City of Murray Bridge to confirm any details displayed in the online mapping or, in the case of land use zoning or hazard/constraint information.