Rates FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about rates

Click on any question to see the relevant answer.

Payment of Rates

You can choose to pay your rates in one annual amount or four quarterly installments by the due date on the rates notice.  If you elect to pay by four quarterly installments we will send you further notices for each quarter at least 30 days before the quarterly payment due date.

You can pay your rates online using eServices

In person:
Local Government Centre,
2 Seventh Street Murray Bridge
between 8.30am - 4.45pm Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays)

Phone: 08 8539 1100
Rural City of Murray Bridge,
PO Box 421<

Rates will be overdue if they have not been paid by “the last day for payment” as shown on the front of your rate notice.  After this date additional charges will apply.  A fine of 2% of the amount due will be added immediately and at the end of each month thereafter, compound interest at the rate prescribed in the Local Government Act 1999, will be added on any balance, including previous interest, not paid.

The State Government has recently announced they will no longer be funding Councils to provide this rebate. That means that pensioners and concession card holders will no longer receive a rebate on Council rates. Instead the State Government will introduce a “Cost Of Living Concession (CLC)” payment which will be paid to you directly.

The new allowance will be up to $200 for eligible recipients.  It is important to note that not all former recipients of the self-funded retiree rates concession will be entitled to the new payment.

For questions regarding the CLC and to check eligibility please contact the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion Concessions Hotline directly on

1800 307 758 or go to http://www.sa.gov.au/ for further information.

Persons experiencing hardship may seek assistance from Council. These requests should be made in writing to

Senior Rates Officer
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
PO Box 421 Murray Bridge SA 5253


Ratepayers who hold a State Seniors Card (or who are eligible and have applied for one) can apply to Council to postpone payment of rates on their principal place of residence. These requests should be made in writing to

Senior Rates Officer
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
PO Box 421 Murray Bridge SA 5253

If you wish to make alternative payment arrangements or are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Council's Senior Rates Officer on 08 8539 1100 for a confidential discussion.

Payment Arrangement Form

Certain organisations and/or persons e.g.. community groups, health and educational organisations, may be eligible for a rebate, under Section 160 to 166 of the Local Government Act 1999. Please contact Council's Senior Rates Officer on 08 8539 1100 for more information.

The Regional Landscape Levy (“the levy”) replaces the Natural Resource Management Levy (“NRM levy”). The levy for the 2020/2021 financial year, is based on the previous NRM levy contribution raised for the Murraylands and Riverland and the SA Murray-Darling Basin Regions. Murray Bridge Council falls within the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Region for the purposes of the levy.

The creation of new landscape regions for the purposes of determining levies, is being managed through a transitional scheme. The transition to this new levy, sees the abolition of the NRM levy, previously collected by the Council on behalf of the State under the Natural Resources Management Act 2004.

While the levy is a State tax, Council is required, under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 (“the Act”), to make a specified annual contribution to the Landscape Administration Fund, which is distributed to the Murraylands and Riverland Regional Landscape Board (“the Board”) and to recover this amount by way of the levy.

All properties are subject to the levy and it is collected by way of a separate rate, based on the capital value of your property. The rate is calculated to raise the same amount as the Council’s contribution to the Board (taking into account any rebates or remissions that may apply under sections 159–166 of the Local Government Act 1999).

Council does not determine how the revenue raised by the levy is to be spent. That is a matter dealt with by the Board, by reference to its Annual Business Plan.

Under the Act there are no provisions for exemptions from payment of the levy.

For more information regarding the changes please read the Landscape SA Summary or visit statewide.landscape.sa.gov.au or telephone (08) 8532 9100.

Please advise in writing or by email immediately if your property ownership and/or address details have changed.  For your convenience, a tear off slip is available on the back of your rate notice.

Change of Address Form

Change of Ownership Form

Senior Rates Officer
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
PO Box 421 Murray Bridge SA 5253


You may object to the valuation to the Valuer General as referred to in your rates notice by writing, served personally, by post or via email, within 60 days from the date of the first rates notice.

Please note

* If you have previously received a notice or notices under the Local Government Act 1999 referring to the valuation and informing you of a 60 day objection period, the objection period is 60 days after the service of the first such notice.

* Also, you may not object to the valuation if the Valuer General has already considered an objection by you to that valuation.

A written objection to valuation must set out the grounds for objection.  Rates are still due and payable by the due date even if an objection has been lodged.

To lodge an Objection to Valuation contact the State Valuation Office.

Persons on the State House of Assembly Electoral Roll are automatically included in the Council Voters Roll and entitled to vote in Council elections.

Others who are ratepayers may also be entitled to be enrolled on the Council Voters Roll. For further information please contact Customer Services on 8539 1100.