The Rural City of Murray Bridge values dog ownership and actively promotes responsible dog ownership to benefit the community and wellbeing of dogs.

Dog Barking

Occasionally dogs can bark or make noise persistently to such a degree that it unreasonably interferes with the peace, comfort or convenience of neighbours. If first speaking with your neighbour has not resolved the issue, you can request Council officers to investigate your concerns to determine whether the dog noise is an issue that requires further action.

You can fill out a Barking Dog Complaint and email the completed form to

Dog Nuisance

If you believe there is a nuisance dog in your area, the first thing you should do is try to talk to the owner of the animal.

By discussing your concerns it provides an opportunity to resolve the issue before it escalates. This is not always possible, safe or appropriate and Council is here to help. However our animal management officers must have sufficient evidence of the nuisance behaviour to take action.

You can fill out a Dog Nuisance Complaint Form online.  Or, download the form here and email the completed form to

Keeping Additional Dogs

In Murray Bridge you are allowed to keep the following:

  • In a flat or unit: one dog
  • In a house: two dogs
  • Rural property: three dogs and two working dogs

You may apply to keep additional dogs at the discretion of Council's Dog and Cat Management team. You can fill out a Keeping Additional Dogs Form and email the completed form to

Request a review of a Dog Expiation notice

Doing the right thing will not only make you a responsible dog owner but also help you to avoid penalty fees. If you believe there has been an error in council's penalty notice you have the right to request a review.

You can fill out an Application for review of a Dog Expiation Notice online or, download the form here and email the completed form to

Name and address suppression in Dogs and Cats Online

Name and address suppression enables at-risk dog owners to have their name and address suppressed within Dogs and Cats Online (DACO). The application for name and address suppression is solely for Dogs and Cats Online and will not be applied to assessment records, infringements or development applications. For more information, please refer to our Suppression Fact Sheet. An application can be completed via an online form and must be accompanied by a Statutory Declaration, which can be uploaded with your application.