Delegations From Council to CEO & Subdelegations From CEO To Staff
Under Section 44 of the Local Government Act, 1999, Council may delegate a power or function vested or conferred under various Acts of Parliament. To assist in this process, Council has endorsed a Delegations Policy(83 kb)
This Council has resolved to delegate several powers or functions to its Chief Executive Officer to assist in the smooth day to day running of the organisation.
The delegation has been given to the Chief Executive Officer as a power, not a duty, therefore the Chief Executive Officer has the ability to refer to the Council for a decision.
Section 101 of the Local Government Act, 1999 allows the Council to give the Chief Executive Officer the ability to subdelegate a power or function to a staff member. Once again this subdelegation is a power, not a duty, and can be referred to the Chief Executive Officer and/or Council for a decision.
The Local Government Act, 1999 also allows for a person to inspect the delegation register and as part of our best practice Customer Service approach - all sub delegations can be found below.