Murray Bridge Swimming Centre Upgrade

A major expansion and refurbishment project at the Rural City of Murray Bridge's Swimming Centre has been approved by Council and supported by funding awarded by the Office for Recreation Sport and Racing (ORSR).

The Swimming Centre Masterplan is a long term vision for the existing site, which includes a 25 metre indoor pool, learn to swim pool, hydrotherapy pool, crèche, meeting rooms and gym.  The current Swimming Centre is an outdoor facility open during the summer months; the upgrade would enable year round use of the pool.

Stage One

Work has commenced on delivering Stage One of the Masterplan. This  $2.8 million redevelopment will include the upgrade of the existing Olympic size swimming pool, change facilities, plant room modifications and renewed pipework.

The Rural City of Murray Bridge was awarded a $1m grant from the Office for Recreation Sport and Racing (ORSR), to support the implementation of Stage One of the Masterplan.

Work commenced in March 2020 and will be completed by November 2020 for the new season.